LEAD – The diagnostic connector for your production equipment

Digitization is easy with us. Our name LEAD stands for “Lean Efficiency Adding Digitalization”. We offer a platform specifically for the automation and packaging industry. This turnkey software offers striking dashboards, in-depth analyses, alarm functions as well as tools for intelligent maintenance management based on captured machine data. This also allows machine manufacturers to schedule maintenance and spare parts for their customers, transforming their service department into a lucrative business unit. LEAD can be deployed in the cloud or on-premise in less than a day, regardless of the machine manufacturer and type, and already monitors the production of more than 1.5 billion parts per year.

What advantages do you have with LEAD?

  • Process optimization: Through digital planning, analysis and control of workflows in your production.
  • Efficiency increase: Through intelligent analysis at sensor level and optimal prioritization of measures.
  • Reduce costs: On the basis of maximum transparency in the production process and in maintenance.


  • Fastest and easiest integration on the market
  • Support of all commercially available control systems
  • Maintenance and wear parts management from plant manufacturers for plant operators
  • Alarm messages for individual error corrections

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“Dashboard” – Identification of resource guzzlers

  • Production efficiency and availabilities
  • Benchmarking of plants
  • Distribution time analyses
  • Application rates

“Analyzer” – root cause analysis at sensor level

  • Downtime analyses
  • Scrap analyses
  • Distribution time analyses
  • Performance comparison of lanes, stations, formats & batches

“Maintenance” – Preventive maintenance and documentation

  • Maintenance based on actual conditions
  • Digital documentation of all interventions
  • Analysis of maintenance measures


  • Quality at process level
  • Batch monitoring protocols
  • Single value storage for products


With a machine efficiency improvement from LEAD Digitization.

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Kontakt aufnehmen?

PackPart GmbH
Nußbaumweg 19
DE-74538 Rosengarten

Tel.: +49.791.95424222

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