PackPart GmbH –
Your packaging machine specialist

Our young company and our service in a nutshell …


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PackPart searches and finds the right packaging machine manufacturers for you!

The packaging industry is diverse and, above all, individual.

Without packaging there is no trade. Regardless of whether they are medical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic products or foodstuffs, products and goods require outer packaging or at least transport packaging. The various machine types can be further divided into machines for filling, labeling, sealing and finally for final packaging.

At the major international trade shows, manufacturers showcase their innovative strength and expertise. Customers who need packaging machines should make contacts here. But the number of suppliers is immense. How is a customer supposed to find the right partner? How does a packaging machine manufacturer stay in contact with customers?

The search for a suitable packaging machine manufacturer is complex. Depending on the product, different competencies and specific know-how are required. But how is a customer supposed to know which partner can meet his requirements?

This is how our service works

There are many manufacturers of packaging machines. But which manufacturer can best meet your specific project requirements?

The search for the ideal partner is often difficult, the market is too large, the requirements too specific.

This is where PackPart comes in. PackPart is the matching platform for packaging machine manufacturers and their customers. Packaging machine manufacturers register with PackPart with their specific range of services in up to five areas:

  • Area A: Sorting & Feeding
  • Area B: Filling / Dosing / Packing
  • Area C: Closing
  • Area D: Labeling
  • Area E: Final packaging for secondary packaging


Customers from the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries specify their individual requirements for a packaging machine.

As a packaging machine specialist, PackPart analyzes the performance spectrum of registered packaging machine manufacturers, compares it with the specific project requirements and uses these parameters to create an overview of suitable packaging machine manufacturers for the customer – quickly, easily and efficiently.

The competent PackPart team –
Your packaging machine specialists

Reliable, fast, motivated and always with your success in mind …

PackPart is a young, flexible and determined team! Ideas are developed and implemented together.

Christian Baumann, CEO & Founder

Christian Baumann

Founder and management

Drive business development, sales

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Innovation, exciting projects and a lot of room for creativity and self-realization make me get up every morning with a lot of motivation!

Julian Baumann, Sales Director

Julian Baumann

Sales Director

Customer acquisition, project management, further development PackPart

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For me, PackPart means working in a young and creative team that supports each other day by day.

Louisa Breitner, Executive Office

Louisa Breitner

Executive Office

Management assistance, social media, back office

E-mail contact:

PackPart includes a modern working environment and allows plenty of room for new ideas. Cohesion also plays an important role!

Veronika Rein, Trainee

Veronika Rein



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Need help with your packaging machine project?

Then feel free to contact us right away and arrange a free initial meeting to get to know us.

Your contact with PackPart

Fast, efficient and 100% for your requirements

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PackPart GmbH
Nußbaumweg 19
74538 Rosengarten

Mitglied Packaging Valley Schwäbisch Hall