Added value partner

Added value partner

Free registration as PACKAGING PARTNER
Opening a new distribution channel on a digital platform
Mediation of customer requests based on the PACKPART Matching System
Clearly structured project inquiries based on a structured specification sheet
Transmission of relevant leads
Increasing the range

Sie suchen den optimalen Verpackungsmaschinenhersteller für Ihr Projekt?
Hier können Sie einfach zum Bereich der Projektanlage wechseln …

This is how PACKPART
works for PARTNER …

This is how PACKPART
works for PARTNER …


packaging machine manufacturer becomes PARTNER

The packaging machine manufacturer registers on the PACKPART platform. A specific performance spectrum in five areas is deposited:

  • Area A: Sorting & Feeding
  • Area B: Filling & Dosing
  • Area C: Sealing
  • Area D: Labelling
  • Area E: final packaging

In addition, a partner can supplement a detailed company presentation. It offers customers an opportunity to find out more about the respective packaging machine manufacturer.


PACKPART compares

The information provided by customers is compared with the range of services offered by our PARTNERS. This process takes place automatically. According to the selection of a customer, PACKPART forwards the project requests to potential PARTNERS.

The PARTNER receives the customer’s specific project requirements by e-mail.


PARTNER accepts project

The PARNTER has the necessary capacities to implement the project. He confirms the acceptance of the project with a click and receives the customer’s contact details


PARTNER accepts project

The PARNTER has the necessary capacities to implement the project. He confirms the acceptance of the project with a click and receives the customer’s contact details.


PARTNER and customer cooperate directly

From now on our PARTNER is in direct contact with the customers. The project can start .


You need support
For searching to new

customers and projects?

PackPart GmbH
Nußbaumweg 19
DE-74538 Rosengarten

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