Wie ein paar Striche die Welt veränderten  

Wie ein paar Striche die Welt veränderten  

50 Jahre Barcode: Wie ein paar Striche die Welt veränderten   1973 einigten sich Branchenführer aus dem US-Lebensmittelsektor zur Identifikation ihrer Waren auf den damals benannten Barcode. Anfang April 2023 befindet sich dieser auf über 1...
Sustainable packaging #Schwierige Zeiten

Sustainable packaging #Schwierige Zeiten

The term „Sustainability“ has long been on everyone’s lips. There is hardly a sector of the economy that can escape the trend reversal. The packaging industry has also been focusing on this topic for some time. Already in 2019, Fachpack made a guest...
Sustainable packaging #Schwierige Zeiten

Sustainable packaging #Schwierige Zeiten

The term „Sustainability“ has long been on everyone’s lips. There is hardly a sector of the economy that can escape the trend reversal. The packaging industry has also been focusing on this topic for some time. Already in 2019, Fachpack made a guest...
Sustainable packaging #Schwierige Zeiten

Sustainable packaging #Schwierige Zeiten

The term „Sustainability“ has long been on everyone’s lips. There is hardly a sector of the economy that can escape the trend reversal. The packaging industry has also been focusing on this topic for some time. Already in 2019, Fachpack made a guest...